The British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC) recently announced that Liquitrade Ltd. operated Latoken without registration, effectively operating an illegal exchange in the province. The BCSC said a panel investigating the operator found that users of the crypto-asset trading platform "did not actually buy or sell assets", but traded contractual rights to those assets, which allowed them to demand future withdrawals of those assets.
近日加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省证券委员会(BCSC)宣布,Liquitrade Ltd.在没有注册的情况下经营 Latoken,实际上是在该省经营一家非法交易所。 BCSC 表示,一个调查该运营商的小组发现,该加密资产交易平台的用户“实际上并没有买卖资产”,而是交易了对这些资产的合同权利,这使得他们可以要求将来提取这些资产...